Do not worry about inflation, “just” make sure your Active and Passive (!) income outpaces it.

Our mission is #FairPay for all, but we want to make sure you understand passive income management. Make sure you put aside some money every month, even if it is just a few % of your income and generate income with those savings above the inflation rates.

We recommend to follow the most basic investing strategy; dollar cost average into the S&P500. Meaning invest the same amount every month in an ETF (fund) tracking the US’s best 500 companies. The chart below confirms that this generates passive income growth which historically resulted in 10.8% average annual return, also across crises like the Gulf war, 911, Covid and Lehman beothers.
The most common ETF’s with fair management fees are;

iShares Core S&P 500 ETF (IVV)
Vanguard S&P 500 ETF

The SalaryBar provides you with the most accurate personal salary benchmark. Use it to make sure your salary follows local inflation, especially if you have a long tenure (>5 years at one company) make sure to recallibrate.

SalaryBar #FairPay for all. SalaryBar uses 21 datapoints from your LinkedIn profile to calculate your salary; education, employers, promotions, languages,.. all except gender, age, race and religion. Our team enters this data manually and shares the result with you.
Just visit the LinkedIn group and we’ll serve your salary within 24 hours; CLICK HERE #FairPay

compensation #salary


SevenFirst 90-10 is the new 80-20

Source image: MARKET PERSPECTIVE CHARTS by Edwin L. “Lee” Peters, III, Peters Financial